Dead Body Freezer Box can be provided or given on rental basis for upt 24 hrs to 48 hrs by any ambulance service providers in your local area. And there are also some comapanies who provide Dead body freezer box Hire / Rental / Services 24/7 accross Hyderabad Telangana One of the best Dead Body Freezer Box Rental services copany which i found online is Hyderabad. & DBFB Services.

Our morgue recently was remodeled. The old one had a freezer area in the cooler. A new investigator put a decedent in there when the rest of the slots were full.

You cannot autopsy a frozen corpse. We had to thaw him out in the cooler for several days before he could have his exam.

We no longer have a freezer- for the medical examiner’s office there is no need.

The only thing I can think of as a reason (and I am just guessing) is if a person needs to be transported a long distance - like on a plane - and there is a religious reason for not embalming.

As an aside- my father was working on an icebreaker for the Coast Guard in the antarctic when a crew member died. He was apparently put in the freezer (along with the food) for several months until they returned to base.

I am sure people have heard about ‘Black humor’- where sometimes gruesome or inappropriate jokes are made by police, fire, ems, nurses, etc. This is a one way that stress is dealt with- and in my experience it has never been done in front of the public or family members. But I have heard the term ‘corpsicle’ when dealing with victims of hypothermia.

Prevent quick decomposition

Generally in the hospital, the dead bodies are for three purposes.

One is for release to family for burial. So you can't give a decomposing body (obvious decomposition). The actual embalming will be done at the undertaker. This handing over usually takes place within a few hours so no issue with decomposition as long as the body is kept cold

The other is for release to coroner. Again this happens within a few hours to a day. So no major issues as long as the body is kept cold.

Third purpose is for release to universities for research or cadaveric transplant - but I dont really know how they do this so I am not sure what part the freezer plays in this.